Gestion éco-responsable de nos golfs, Resonance Golf Collection

The eco-friendly management of our golf clubs

Environmental stewardship is central to the ethos across all Resonance Golf Collection courses. The impact of pesticides on wildlife and groundwater, water scarcity, and energy costs are daily considerations in striking a balance between sustainability and enduring playability.

Our golf clubs focus their work around three pillars that constitute the fundamentals of responsible course management

Haut rough et rough fleuri favorable à la biodiversité sur un golf, Resonance Golf Collection

Our golf clubs have been deeply committed for several years already to ecological transition, with every action on the course carefully considered to ensure respect for the natural resources and biodiversity that surround us.

Our greenkeepers focus their work around three pillars that constitute the fundamentals of responsible course management:

  • Water management
  • Preserving biodiversity
  • Controlled use of products

1. Water management

Water management is one of the main challenges facing Resonance golf clubs in terms of ecological transition. We are all aware of the need to preserve this resource. That’s why Resonance Golf Collection has invested heavily in recent years in new watering systems that accurately monitor soil moisture levels and water only the areas that need it, using new-generation independent sprinklers.

Conserving water also means knowing and studying your soil, so that you can use the right grasses for the soil.

2. Preserving biodiversity

Our Resonance golf clubs are veritable green lungs, representing a precious natural habitat for numerous species of flora and fauna. Each of them is committed to preserving the biodiversity that surrounds them. To do this, they take a number of steps to help preserve their ecosystems by creating habitats such as insect hotels, bird boxes and much more.

3. Controlled use of products

With the arrival of 0 phytosanitary products by 2025, the controlled use of products is one of the main challenges facing our Resonance golf clubs. However, the transition is well and truly underway, and our golf clubs have already been anticipating this for a number of years, with the use of bio-control, among other things. To adapt to this new management of their land, they are also carrying out other actions, both from a mechanical point of view and by analysing their soils and working on the plants to make them self-sufficient and resistant to disease.

Golf for Biodiversity Label

As part of the Golf for Biodiversity programme, the label is a tool that highlights the work carried out by our Resonance golf clubs to protect biodiversity. This programme enables us to carry out a precise inventory of the flora and fauna living on the course and to continue or implement new actions to encourage the colonisation of new species while protecting them from potential predators.

All our Resonance golf clubs are either in the process of obtaining the label or have just obtained it.

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